We understand. We Care. We Can Help.

We encourage those struggling with substance abuse and their families to call or text The Hopeline team.

We provide services free of charge and help guide you through the confusing network of treatment and recovery in SouthWest Ohio. We can help.

BUTLER COUNTY 513.203.5378
HAMILTON COUNTY 513.309.1571
WARREN COUNTY 513.713.6505
CLINTON COUNTY 513.477.6694

Let’s Fight This Together


What is the The HopeLine?

Substance abuse is a sneaky thing. No one aspires to become addicted, but it can happen to anyone and it does not discriminate: any income level, any profession, any race, any life season. We’re here to help.

The HopeLine is a completely free service established to provide a safe place for those suffering with substance use disease and their loved ones to reach out for support and understanding. Our care coordinators can help you and your family navigate the complex and challenging system of substance abuse treatment. We provide hope – not blame or shame – and we can fight addiction together.


trees, road, forest

What to expect when you contact us?

When you call The Hopeline, you’ll be connected to a caring person who will listen to you and answer all the questions you might be afraid to ask. We don’t report to any agencies, and our conversation can be anonymous if preferred. We just listen and then provide you with resources to help break the cycle of substance abuse. The care coordinators can provide information on these topics and more:

  • How to confront yourself or a loved one you believe is addicted to heroin or other drugs
  • How to detox and where to go to receive medical care during a detox
  • What treatment programs are available and how to access them
  • How to stay clean after treatment

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